FIVE…premiere next week 03/09/2022
bücking&kröger receive funding from the Fonds Darstellende Künste for the project “PRACTICE” 02/04/2022
What does the new year bring? What projects are coming up? What can future projects negotiate? Where is the journey going? 01/06/2022
bücking&kröger receive funding from the Fonds Darstellende Künste for the revival of their project “all we got to do” 12/22/2021
bücking&kröger receive funding within NPN – Stepping Out for their project “augmented HYPERBODIES 12/15/2021
FIVE:::general rehearsal @Ballhaus Ost 09/16/2021 Florian Bücking , Raisa Kröger , Julek Kreutzer , Mathis Kleinschnittger & Simone Detig (v.l.n.r.)